Saturday, August 3, 2024

Spanking Machines - People are Ridiculous. :)

I came across a photo of one of these devices randomly, got curious, and did a bit of research. Apparently, people have been inventing these for 100s of years. Okay, that's fine, but I don't get it.

Flesh on flesh. Domination and submission. The human to human contact. Scolding, wardrobe, ambiance, implements, being held accountable, taken over the knee, corner-time, voice inflection, arousal, excitement, hormones, horny, submitting, dominating, emotion, passion, all of that plus so much more, is not something a machine can provide. So, again, I don't get it. It would be like having sex with a pillow, or a watermelon, it is simply not the same. 








The same women you see in my videos here being spanked, are written about in the below book.  

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