Tuesday, March 25, 2025



1980s gym vs 2025 gym.

A couple years ago I filled half of my garage and a spare room with a plethora of gym equipment. It's fantastic. It's open 24/7, Holidays, nights, weekends, no distractions, I play the music I want, as loud as I want, making gains and totally loving it. I don't want to be around a bunch of gold digging, credulous, nasty Instagram "influencer", cameltoe pants wearing thots. 



Jokes and snark aside, I do like women, most of them, sometimes. But sometimes, just...ugh.
Anyway, I think I have a solution...😁

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Fetish Furniture of Allen Jones.


     ‘I Think my Fetish Furniture Hampered my Career’: Allen Jones on Decades of Controversy.

Allen Jones on Decades of Controversy. He wanted to remove sculpture’s safety valve – and blew up the 60s as a result. The great pop-pioneer looks back on an extraordinary career, from getting thrown out of art school to covering Kate Moss in fibreglass. 


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Natural Women.


Obviously every guy has his preferences in how a woman looks, dresses, her wardrobe, attire, her hair, nails, makeup, jewelry and everything else. And of course every woman should wear whatever she desires, what compliments her, what suits her everyday life, her career, job and her desires, but I am somewhat confused by what some women select. From what little social media I do, from mainstream articles, videos, overheard conversations, a lot of women sure do complain about the hassle, expense, the time spent on achieving a certain "look" and many don't really seem to enjoy it. What baffles me is, most guys I know prefer a woman that is casual, minimal makeup, a bare minimum of jewelry and just some basic clothes.  

So, are women doing this to attract men, or to impress other women? I know a lot of them say they're doing it "for themselves" but come on, no one, say on a day off, who is just going to lounge around home alone all day, is going to spend an hour putting on makeup, doing their hair, spraying things, dabbing things, doing whatever the hell it is they do, then spending a half hour selecting the perfect outfit, just to sit at home alone. So regardless of what they may state, they're doing it to either appeal to men, or to impress other women. If it's for the benefit of other women, I don't get it. If it's to appeal to men, wherein most men prefer basic attire and simple makeup, why do they put in all that effort and hassle? It makes no sense to me. 


The same with lingerie. I prefer white cotton panties and, I guess they're called a baby doll nightgown? Not sure about that, or what makes one nightgown clothing article fit that title as opposed to others, but for me, simplicity is sexy. It's her that I find sexy, the woman, her body, soul and mind, her attitude and sense of humor, not her clothes or makeup and jewelry. I mean, I'm not dating the "wrapping paper", nor am I turned on by it, but by the woman beneath and underneath it. Same with outerwear. Jeans, cutoffs, flip-flops, regular old tennis shoes, a t-shirt, wife beater (no pun intended) or just jeans, boots and a flannel shirt. Again, it makes no sense to me. Women spend a trillion dollars on this stuff, complain about having to put it on, how often it's not comfortable, how makeup is bad for their skin...so from the standpoint of a guy, most men would say...fuck it, and just not do it.  :) 

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Flowers - Photography - Nature.


Some days, just have to turn off the news, go outside and see the beauty of our planet.  :) 


Friday, February 21, 2025

Trump - Musk - Bannon - GOP...

They've been doing Nazi Salutes so...here's an American "Salute" for Trump, Bannon, Musk, the GOP et al...and I mean it with sincerity and conviction. 😁


Imagine being afraid of blacks, browns, jews, gays, women, science, journalism, math, healthcare, history, rainbows, elections, laws, common sense, logic and education itself. That's being a modern day Republican. I don't get it...but what I do know is, I have no fear of Trump or his cabal of unpatriotic cretins. Fuck him, fuck them, fuck anyone that doesn't like it. 

Trump's Tax Proposal that would Punish the Poor and Benefit the Rich. 

Kash Patel or Charles Manson?
I'd vote for the one on the right. :) 

Rape, sexual molestation, sexual harassment, tax evasion, begging for illegal votes, trying to steal an election, subversion of democracy and evidence and trying to overthrow democracy is what Trump and the GOP have done...so spare me any "lecturing" by a bunch of common crooks and thieves on "laws" and moral issues, by the same people and party that did the aforementioned...

I've always been a tad suspicious about Melania. 😆