Saturday, January 18, 2025

$175,000 Sexy Robot with no Genitals, Not Meant for Sex.

I might be dense, but what the hell is this? 

I have never desired sex, of any sort, with a robot, a blow up doll or any sort of inanimate object or device. Ever. Flesh and blood only. With a heart. Emotions. Intelligence. Compassion. You know, a living, breathing, real life woman. And $175,000 dollars? Are people insane? I mean yes, some are, and more and more seem to be, but still, what the hell is happening to society where people are so lonely, and stupid, that anyone would even consider buying something like this? I would not pay $1.75 for it, unless it was a gag gift for a buddy for a bachelor party or something.  

I got curious and a quick Google search brought up:

For Americans that want to buy a home on a modest budget from the Southwest to the East Coast, 20 popular cities boast a hefty amount of active listings for homes under $100,000.

So I guess you can move to certain places and buy nearly 2 decent homes for roughly the same price as a...frigid asexual robot. πŸ˜‚

Monday, December 30, 2024

Spanking Feminists. 50 Shades of Grey & Female Discontent.


I don't spend time on social media, and in fact I don't even have accounts with any of them. However periodically, I come across compilation videos on YouTube and news articles, and some of the information, data and attitudes are quite stunning. 

One example is the plethora of women that say they "don't need no man" but then spend all their time on TikTok talking about dating apps, how men suck, going on dates, talking to "dating coaches" (who are almost always single with a string of divorces and bad breakups) and deleting and reopening dating apps, crying and whining about being single, jealous of their girlfriends that are engaged or married, while interjecting invective laden pejorative assaults on men, but then wanting to date men, while slamming men makes no sense. 

Apparently a lot of them call themselves "Boss Babes" or "Boss Bitches" or some variant, and consider themselves to be "Alpha" (which is literally impossible) and harp on and on about how awesome they are, but are ran through, railed, complaining about being broke and want men to pay for their dates, hair, makeup, clothes, car loans, utilities, rent, while tweaking their elbows and shoulders from patting themselves on the back for being "a strong independent woman" and...what?!

So, for the #BossBitchBadAssBabes: In 2015–2018, 17.7% of women and 8.4% of men took antidepressants. Women take twice as much.  24.3% of women aged 60+ take antidepressants. Rock on you "strong" women, right sister? Wait. If they're so happy being single and paying their own bills and taking out the trash, why are so many taking antidepressants? 

And along the same lines where in public the majority state they're "empowered, don't need a man, Alpha women" and are dominant and refuse to yield to a man: Collectively, the Fifty Shades movie trilogy earned a worldwide box office total of roughly $1.32 billion. And I don't think those numbers include the money the author made, and probably the "swag" and merchandise so for all we know it could be approaching $2 billion. I'd love for some of these "Alpha" explain that. It was women that loved it. I mean it was probably about 95% women that read the book, saw the movies, and the other 5% were simps being drug into the movie theater, who tried not to laugh at it. 

 A recent study showed that 73% of millennial women are unhappy in their job. 73%. That is quite a shocking number. One would presume the number is different for other demographics of women, but either way, overall, women don't like their jobs and hate having to work outside the home. It's not as wonderful as 1st and 2nd wave feminism tried to convince them it would be. Pretty much work sucks, being a slave to the clock, male or female. Let's face it, if people had the option no one would work. Get up late, check some news, leisurely have breakfast, take a shower, lounge, go to the gym, go shopping, go out for lunch, take a nap, do some hobbies, take a nap, go out for dinner and drinks, that's how people would spend their day...not working for some jackass boss.  

According to a YouGov survey, 21% of women would prefer to be submissive in bed, compared to 4% who would prefer to be dominant. A Washington Post study found that 30–60% of women fantasize about being dominated, spanked, whipped, tied up, or forced to have sex.

Look, I have no political agenda in this. I freely support egalitarianism (which is not the same as feminism). People, male and female, should do what they want. My point is...why are they/you lying? Are women lying to each other about all the Boss Bitch Babe, wanting to be single, don't need no man, wanting to pay their own bills and clean out the gutters thing? Are feminist pushing professors (many who appear to be misandrist lesbians with an axe to grind, and perhaps penis envy) lying with their "Feminism 101" college classes? Are women refusing to publically state their distaste for some of the more hardcore feminist ideology out of fear of not "supporting the sisterhood" and being scorned for wanting to be a "Tradwife" or traditional girlfriend? If women privately hate working, hate being alone, want to be sexually dominated and are taking the majority of antidepressants...they're lying to themselves and each other. Men have nothing to do with this. This is a woman thing. If being free, having options, being empowered, having autonomy, personal agency still means they have to lie to themselves and each other rather than being true to self and seeking happiness, then in reality the biggest lie is...3rd wave feminism right? Right. 

 Stop blaming men for your misery and discontent. There has never, ever, ever, been a time in the history of the world, anywhere in the world, that women had it better. Stop sounding stupid spewing nonsensical verbiage about the "Patriarchy". pa·tri·arch·y: noun: a system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it. The "Patriarchy" simply does not exist in the Western world and has not for 50 to 100 years. Women can work, vote, drive, travel, get educated, breed or not, run for political office, there is nowhere, that women are excluded. The "Patriarchy" simply does not exist. 

All of the aforementioned was "mansplained" with accuracy and veracity. I only throw the last bit in to piss off some rabid feminazi types amuses me.  πŸ€£πŸ˜

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Looking Forward - New Year.


A few more days, and it's 2025. Great. I'm hoping for a productive and fantastic new year. I don't really do "resolutions" in the traditional sense, but am always trying to improve. Speaking of "improvements" ever notice how a submissive woman's temperament and attitude improves after a long hard bare bottom spanking? I have, and it's a joy to "assist" her in that effort.  :)


The same women in my videos and photos being spanked here, are written about in my books.  

The book below is a lighthearted humorous little tome about sex in relationships. It's for fun, and not to be taken seriously. The world is quite intense these days, some humor often helps. 

Friday, December 20, 2024

Fidelity and Honesty.


  One of the downsides of the Internet is social media, as we all know. Sure, there has always been people that were disloyal, that lied, cheated, that had no conscientious scruples, but the Internet has only made it easier for those types of people to engage in their perfidious and nefarious acts.   

Over the course of my life, when single, I would/will "play" with women, one at a time, and always with honesty. If it's a mutually beneficial arrangement where neither party has any expectation of anything developing beyond the activity at hand, no one has hopes or desires beyond that, great. But if I am in a relationship, I am 100% committed to that woman. I have never, would never and will never cheat or go behind her back...ever. That sort of betrayal is one of the most disrespectful things a human being can do to another human being. My word means something, to others, but mostly to me. I want to be able to look at myself in the mirror and know that I'm honest, upfront, straight with other people, and can respect myself, which I would not be able to do, meaning have self-respect, if I was not honest.   

I just don't get how some people can just "use" other human beings and then discard them like refuse. The most important thing in life is other people. Friends, family, lovers, neighbors, husband, wife, kids, whomever, and in whatever type of relationship. Cars, homes, money, possessions, things that can be bought, they come and go and none of that really means much in the grand scheme of things. But people do matter. Their health, well-being, happiness, emotional balance, their feelings matter to me, always have, always will. The impetus behind this post is just from browsing around the web, seeing posts, things on YouTube, and it's just stunning to me how others don't value those interpersonal relationships with people in their lives. And more to the point, they're not happy, but can't figure out why.

It's really not that complicated. Religious or not, the Golden Rule applies. 
Do unto others, as you would have others do unto you.
Treat people how you want to be treated.   :) 

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Christmas Season...


Domestic Discipline Style...
Coal in the stocking, is out.  

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Bigger Fetishists: Conservatives or Liberals?


(Photo above is a screenshot from a home movie.)

So there I was, minding my own business when a thought popped into my head (Don't you just hate it when that happens?) and I began wondering if conservatives are kinkier than liberals or the other way around. I hate the very strictly delineated "left/right" description, as I don't think a good part of people really view themselves that way as opposed to being "forced into a box" by statisticians, pollsters, political parties etc. but anyway, the question remained. Obviously there is not a lot of data on this, and how could there be as it's not something that can be scientifically proven, it's totally arbitrary and subjective both in what a "fetish" is, and political affiliation, but here is some information. 

One thing to consider in dominant versus submissive roles, is a need for control often reflected in conservative ideology and its adherents. For some conservatives, this may translate to taking on a dominant role in bed, a position defined by exercising control over another. Liberals, on the other hand, are not easily affected by pain, according to a 2017 study of political ideology and personality, and also more flexible, curious and open — the combined effect of which may make liberals more interested in assuming a sexually submissive role and relinquishing power to a dominant partner.

Republicans tend to prefer fantasizing about sex outside of marriage:“infidelity, orgies, swapping, from 70s-style ‘key parties’ to modern-day forms of swinging,”. Republicans reported more voyeuristic fantasies like going to a strip club or watching one’s partner have sex with another person. Democrats, were more likely to favor fantasies that included domination and power dynamics, including BDSM.“The largest Democrat-Republican divide on the BDSM spectrum was in masochism, which involves deriving pleasure from the experience of pain.” 

The GOP runs on a platform idolizing the nuclear family and, consequently, traditional notions of marriage. This means activities like extramarital affairs, orgies, and partner swapping are strictly off-limits, and that makes them exciting. It may explain why there are more Republican than Democrat members of Ashley Madison, the dating service for people already in relationships. Republicans are more likely to fantasize about strip clubs, cuckolding and other things of a more voyeuristic nature. In contrast, Democrats are a party that strives for greater social, economic, and political equality – and yet, they fantasize about masochism, bondage, and dominance-submission play. Some reckon it is the blurring of consent and imbalance of power in BDSM that makes it taboo, drgo exciting for Democrats.

So there is no clear consensus, but it does appear that those on the left and right are equally kinky, but just in somewhat different areas or preferences of kink. Having lived in both very conservative cities and states, I can attest that I've personally not noticed much difference based on that in relation to kinky fetish people, the numbers of munches, parties, or women wanting a good hard bare bottom spanking or a disciplinarian. I have no idea on what transpires in the LGBTQ community though as I am straight, but I presume the interest level is the same.  

The same women in my videos and photos being spanked here, are written about in my books.  

The book below is a lighthearted humorous little tome about sex in relationships. It's for fun, and not to be taken seriously. The world is quite intense these days, some humor often helps. 

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Work out People. Just Work Out.


It's that time of year. It's cold, the days are short, less sunlight, for some there are Holidays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, where there is an overabundance of food and drink, fatty food, sugar, pies, fudge, gravy, sauces, alcohol, drinks, parties, eggnog, lounging, sitting around, hanging out, and the human body wants to vegetate, be in repose and pack on pounds of lard and fat and even more fat. It's easy to do. Getting into bad shape takes no effort at all. You don't have to apply any effort for it to happen. It is, the easiest thing in the world to "accomplish". 

When we exercise, the main body chemical affected is endorphins, which are released during exercise and contribute to feelings of pleasure and pain reduction, often referred to as a "Runner's High.". Or in our line of "work/play/pleasure" one could call it the "Spanking High" as the very same endorphins that are affected during exercise are affected receiving a good hard bare bottom spanking. Some people call this "sub space", but it's essentially the same thing. 

 Other chemicals impacted by exercise include: 
Dopamine: Plays a role in motivation and reward, increasing with exercise.  
Serotonin: Linked to mood regulation and can be elevated with physical activity.  
Norepinephrine: A neurotransmitter that increases alertness and energy during exercise.  
 Brain: Exercise positively impacts brain chemicals, improving mood and cognitive function.  
Stress: Exercise lowers stress hormone levels by releasing endorphins and other chemicals.

Exercise can mean just about anything. Just...movement. Walking, dancing, sit-ups, sex, hiking, weight lifting, skiing, tennis, Pilates, Yoga, strenuous house cleaning or yard work, swimming, rowing, pretty much you name it. It does not have to be something to dread. Find something you enjoy that will burn some calories, that will contract the muscles, stretch things out a bit, pump some clean oxygen into your lungs, and just go about doing it. It wards off depression and can help alleviate anxiety. You'll feel better, be stronger, have better quality of life, sleep better, look better and live longer. There is no downside to doing it safely and using common sense. Warm up slow, stretch out, no ego lifting or Type A personality feats, just slow, progressive and productive body maintenance and improvement. Okay, now that I've finished "preaching"...might be time to have some Brandy and a Cigar. πŸ˜